Saturday, March 6, 2010

Let's get get this party started!

So I have been meaning to start this silly blog thing for a while now and think about it pretty much on a daily basis. It is just one of those things that gets sent to the back of the line as I am easily distracted and have a million projects in the works already. Anyway, I guess I am a product of these modern times and think the things I do and think are extremely important and I must share them with the world. So what better way to do that than blog about it! And I just make a lot of fun stuff and want to document and share dammit!

I am also very interested in self-sufficiency and wish more people were. My goal is to show people how easy it is to not rely on the supermarket/mall for food/products and how rewarding it actually is to make and do things for yourself (or find it second hand, yippee for thrift stores!). Sure, it might take a little longer, but the end result is often better for you and the world, cheaper (for you and the world, but more about that later) and is definitely more fun to do. So, I was just about to get super preachy about the whole self sufficiency thing and decided that I will just let it unfold as it does otherwise this is going to get boring very fast so...
Some things that I think I will blog about in the near future:

1. Knitting
2. Gardening
3. Canning
4. Cooking
5. Other rad stuff

I hope to figure out some sort of a format and maybe have certain featured things on certain days of the week (Monday = recipe day, Tudesday = ... you get the idea) so if there are actually any people out there in the interwebs who have somehow stumbled across this and have any input or questions or ideas to discuss, by all means lemme know and I will be happy to address them.

That is it for today, I'll leave you with a picture of the lovely presents found in my chickens' nesting box today (yep, one is blue!):
Edit: Do you know why chicken coops have 2 doors? Because if they had 4 they would be chicken sedans!

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