Monday, June 14, 2010

Farmers Market

So I did make it to the farmers market on Saturday. It was the perfect day for it, sunny and beautiful. So, um, now I'm gonna do a bit of the soap box thing now so bear with me for a moment...

I believe it is very important to buy local-organic-sustainable, blah, blah, blah... But this does not mean buying a package of organic baby carrots (processed!) from Walmart. I know some of you are like "duh!", but same goes for that "organic" product you are buying from Whole Foods (plus processed foods are real crappy for you anyway and breakfast cereal is basically the devil).

On that note you don't have to hold organic as the holiest of holies either. WHEN YOU SHOP AT THE FARMERS MARKET YOU CAN SPEAK DIRECTLY (most times) TO THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR GROWING YOUR FOOD and find out what exactly goes in and on the food you are eating. This is good because:
  1. Organic certification is expensive, some smaller farms that use sustainable practices simply can't afford certification. If something does not have organic signage just ask the farmer about his/her practices.
  2. Local cuts down on transit pollution, good for local economy, and gives you fresher food, i.e. good for everyone, not just you the eater.
  3. Fresh, local, sustainable food TASTES FRIGGIN AWESOME.
So all I'm saying is you don't have to get so hung up on the organic thing (I used to work for this organic produce company and we accidentally got a shipment of a non-organic item and accidentally sent it out and a woman noticed after she had fed some of this item to her child and actually called to ask if she should take the child to the ER!). Organic is GOOD! But so are local small farms that can use your support to get that certification! *stepping off soap box*, for now...

So, whilst at the farmers market I was taking a picture of this:

Pretty in Pink

Because they were the most beautiful color of pink ever! And the guy gave me one! And now it looks like a huge pink pom-pom (like 8" across!!!):

Big Pink

And thanks for reading my rant! Comments and discussion ALWAYS appreciated.

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